

Inspired by the prismatic play of light, these lilies captivate with their vibrant and kaleidoscopic beauty. Petals that shimmer with an array of colors, from bold reds to brilliant yellows, create a mesmerizing and dynamic effect. Just as a prism reveals the hidden colors in light, these blooms reveal an explosion of hues, transforming any arrangement into a vivid and captivating display.

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Fa. A&L Duin Auction 13 Juli 2023

AuctionCartsUnitsAmountFlower TypeSort 1 Sort 2Sort 3Sort 4
AAL1220Lily OT Oracle104412340
AAL1220Lily OT Oracle104412340
AAL1220Lily OT Oracle104412340
AAL1220Lily OT Oracle104412340
AAL1220Lily OT Oracle104412340
AAL1220Lily OT Oracle104412340

Page last updated on 07-08-2023